by Woods End | Aug 27, 2018
Soil health testing is certainly popular, but much less popular should be scoring everyone against the same yardstick – despite the location. Presently, that’s common practice with labs offering soil health tests according to Woods End Lab. A new approach...
by Woods End | Nov 7, 2015
Maine has by most accounts not figured prominently in modern soil health initiatives, but 2015 stands out as a harbinger of great things to come. An emerging group of progressive farmers are demonstrating reduced-tillage + cover-copping methods work in corn, alfalfa...
by Woods End | Nov 6, 2014
Virtually all modern crop response studies trace their lineage way back to Liebig and Mitscherlich models. Liebig gave us the most limiting nutrient concept, often illustrated by staves of a barrel – considered a huge breakthrough at the time. Unfortunately,...